Tuesday, April 30, 2024

If you’re using Visual Studio to build your .NET MAUI app on a Mac, locating the IPA (iOS App Package) file can be a bit tricky

 If you’re using Visual Studio to build your .NET MAUI app on a Mac, locating the IPA (iOS App Package) file can be a bit tricky. Let’s explore where you can find it:

  1. Build Server Location:

    • When building a .NET MAUI app with a Mac as a build server, the “Show IPA File on Build Server” option in Visual Studio is grayed out.

    • However, you can still find the IPA file on the Mac.

    • Navigate to the following directory on your Mac:


    • Replace ~ with your user’s home directory.

    • Keep in mind that the user’s Library folder is hidden by default. You can either:

      • Show hidden files using Cmd + Shift + . in Finder.
      • Navigate through the terminal or Finder’s “Go to folder…” option using Cmd + Shift + G.
  1. IPA File Location:

    • Inside the builds folder, you’ll find the generated IPA files corresponding to your .NET MAUI builds.

Remember that the ~/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds directory contains the IPA files created during the build process. If you encounter any issues or don’t see the expected files, double-check the path and ensure that you’re looking in the correct location.

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