Tuesday, April 13, 2021

How To Fix TF30063 Error - You Are Not Authorized To Access Team Foundation Service Error

If you get this error in Visual Studio TFS which says "You are not authorised to access Team Foundation Service" with error code TF30063. This error mostly happens when you are going to check in pending changes to TFS.

I was able to fix this error using following steps:

1) Try to connect to  project again, just click to icon next to Home icon and choose your project and then right click on project and click to Connect. This will be reconnected with project and we will able to access your project.

2). As we know, TFS is directly connect with IE browser. So, just open your Internet Explorer and logout with TFS account if you logged in. After successfully logging out, you just need to login again with your TFS account in IE. Before logginin into IE, please check the version of IE browser. It should be above IE 9. Once you have successfully logged in with TFS in IE, go to Visual Studio and check  and the error will be gone.

3) you can clear TFS cache:

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\7.0\Cache

4) If all above steps have failed to resolve this issue, try removing  TFS server and add again with Visual Studio.

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